Explore the Center


In education, simulation mirrors real-life situations and complements clinical training. High-fidelity manikins, standardized patients, realistic equipment and environments are used to recreate the clinical environment. This provides students with a controlled, risk-free environment to demonstrate psychomotor skills, teamwork, communication and critical thinking. Simulation allows students to learn by doing and reflecting on their experiences.


The debriefing process is one of the most important aspects of a simulation. This is the process of examining the actions and the meanings of actions during a simulation experience. It is learner-centered and uses reflection to promote learning. The debriefing session is not for lecturing. The role of the debriefer is to guide students through the reflective process of debriefing in a structured manner. The aim is to reflect on and make sense of the experience, improve understanding and clinical reasoning, and relate the learning to future experiences.

Operations Manual

Simulation Center spaces offer realistic environments resembling:

  • Trauma Bay/Emergency Department/Intensive Care Unit
  • Full-sized Operation room
  • Outpatient/Clinic Rooms
  • In-patient Hospital Bed/Birthing Room

Modalities of Simulation include:

  • Task training/Procedural based simulation
  • Virtual Reality
  • High Technology (Fidelity) Manikins
  • Standardized Patients
  • State-of-the-art equipment throughout all rooms